Source code for evalmate.evaluator.evaluator

import abc

import audiomate
from audiomate import annotations
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, select_autoescape

from . import outcome

env = Environment(
    loader=PackageLoader('evalmate.evaluator', 'report_templates'),
    autoescape=select_autoescape(['html', 'xml'])

[docs]class Evaluation(abc.ABC): """ Base class for evaluation results. Attributes: ref_outcome (Outcome): The outcome of the ground-truth/reference. hyp_outcome (Outcome): The outcome of the system-output/hypothesis. """ def __init__(self, ref_outcome, hyp_outcome): self.ref_outcome = ref_outcome self.hyp_outcome = hyp_outcome @property @abc.abstractmethod def template_data(self): """ Return a dictionary that contains objects/values to use in the rendering template. """ return {} @property def default_template(cls): return 'default'
[docs] def write_report(self, path, template=None, template_param=None): """ Write the report to the given path. Args: path (str): Path to write the report to. template (str): Name of the Jinja2 template to use. If None, the ``default_template()`` is used. All available templates are in the ``report_templates`` folder. """ with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(self.get_report(template=template, template_param=template_param))
[docs] def get_report(self, template=None, template_param=None): """ Generate and return a report. Args: template (str): Name of the Jinja2 template to use. If None, the ``default_template()`` is used. All available templates are in the ``report_templates`` folder. Returns: str: The rendered report. """ if template is None: template = self.default_template template = self._load_template(template) template_data = self.template_data if template_param is not None: template_data['template_param'] = template_param else: template_data['template_param'] = {} return template.render(**template_data)
def _load_template(self, name): return env.get_template('{}.txt'.format(name))
[docs]class Evaluator(abc.ABC): """ Base class for a evaluator. Provides methods for reading outcomes in different ways. The evaluator for a specific class then has to implement ``do_evaluate``, which performs the evaluation on ref and hyp outcome. """ DEFAULT_UTT_IDX = 'noname'
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def default_label_list_idx(cls): """ Define the default label-lists which is used when reading a corpus. """ return 'default'
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def do_evaluate(self, ref, hyp): """ Create the evaluation result of the given hypothesis compared to the given reference (ground truth). Arguments: ref (Outcome): The ground-truth/reference outcome. hyp (Outcome): The system-output/hypothesis outcome. Returns: Evaluation: The evaluation results. """ pass
[docs] def evaluate(self, ref, hyp, label_list_idx=None): """ Create the evaluation result of the given hypothesis compared to the given reference (ground truth). There are different possibilities of input: * ref = Outcome / hyp = Outcome: Both ref and hyp are `Outcome` instances. See ``do_evaluate`` * ref = Corpus / hyp = dict: The dict contains label-lists which are compared against the corpus. See ``evaluate_label_lists_against_corpus`` * ref = LabelList / hyp = LabelList: Ref label-list is compared against the other. See ``evaluate_label_lists`` Arguments: ref (LabelList, Corpus): A label-list, a corpus. hyp (LabelList, dict): A label-list, a dict. label_list_idx (str): The label-list to use when reading from a corpus. Returns: Evaluation: The evaluation results. """ if isinstance(ref, outcome.Outcome) and isinstance(hyp, outcome.Outcome): return self.do_evaluate(ref, hyp) if isinstance(ref, annotations.LabelList) and isinstance(hyp, annotations.LabelList): return self.evaluate_label_lists(ref, hyp) if isinstance(ref, audiomate.Corpus) and isinstance(hyp, dict): return self.evaluate_label_lists_against_corpus(ref, hyp, label_list_idx=label_list_idx) raise ValueError('Invalid arguments!')
[docs] def evaluate_label_lists(self, ll_ref, ll_hyp, duration=None): """ Create Evaluation for ref and hyp label-list. If the duration is not provided some metrics cannot be used. Arguments: ref (LabelList): A label-list. hyp (LabelList): A label-list. duration (float): The duration of the utterance, that belongs to the label-lists. Returns: Evaluation: The evaluation results. """ durations = None if duration is not None: durations = {self.DEFAULT_UTT_IDX: duration} ref_outcome = outcome.Outcome(label_lists={self.DEFAULT_UTT_IDX: ll_ref}, utterance_durations=durations) hyp_outcome = outcome.Outcome(label_lists={self.DEFAULT_UTT_IDX: ll_hyp}, utterance_durations=durations) return self.evaluate(ref_outcome, hyp_outcome)
[docs] def evaluate_label_lists_against_corpus(self, corpus, label_lists, label_list_idx=None): """ Create Evaluation for the given corpus. Arguments: corpus (Corpus): A corpus containing the reference label-lists. label_lists (Dict): A dictionary containing label-lists with the utterance-idx as key. The utterance-idx is used to find the corresponding reference label-list in the corpus. label_list_idx (str): The idx of the label-lists to use as reference from the corpus. If None, `cls.default_label_list_idx` is used. Returns: Evaluation: The evaluation results. """ label_list_idx = label_list_idx or self.default_label_list_idx() ref_outcome = outcome.Outcome() hyp_outcome = outcome.Outcome() for utterance in corpus.utterances.values(): ll_ref = utterance.label_lists[label_list_idx] if utterance.idx not in label_lists: raise ValueError('There is no hypothesis label-list with idx {}'.format(utterance.idx)) ll_hyp = label_lists[utterance.idx] ref_outcome.label_lists[utterance.idx] = ll_ref hyp_outcome.label_lists[utterance.idx] = ll_hyp ref_outcome.utterance_durations[utterance.idx] = utterance.duration hyp_outcome.utterance_durations[utterance.idx] = utterance.duration return self.evaluate(ref_outcome, hyp_outcome)